Accurate tracking starting from just $99

Find the perfect plan based on the Ads Revenue tracked.

Calculate your price

Tell us, how much ads revenue you want to track. Our pricing is based on "Pay as you go" model so you only pay for the ads revenue we track for you.

Monthly ads revenue



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What does Ads revenue tracked means?

It’s your revenue that comes only from ads that we track. It doesn’t include other sources of your revenue - i.e. email marketing, organic search. For example, if your store is making $100,000 revenue a month and $15,000 comes from Facebook ads and the rest is organic, then $99 licence will be sufficient for you.

How long will it take to install ecomtrack?

Our simple copy & paste solution take report staff so if you need any help setting up your account, you can contact us from your dashboard!

Do you have any setup fees?

Hell no! Zero setup fees.

Can I schedule a demo of ecomtrack?

Of course! Book your demo call here.

Do you offer any affiliate program if I want to share ecomtrack with others?

Yes! If you love using ecomtrack and would like to share it with others, we want to thank-you by giving you 15% recurring commission from every person you recommend to us as long as they stay.

If you have any other question, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Our customers are lovin' ecomtrack

Jorge A.

Agency Owner

Awesome software, lots of softwares out there with terrible tracking and bad UI overall, super easy to use, loved this one.

Ivan Z.


$130k+ underreported by FB... ecomtrack solved it!I've been using ecomtrack for 3 months, and it's been absolute game-changer. Facebook ads were misattributing so much for my store which made it nearly impossible to scale. Now we use ecomtrack, we were able to double our ad budget and triple our revenue in the past 90 days!

Michal H.

Store Owner

I never realized, how inaccurate Facebook data are.Ecomtrack gave me accurate and transparent data. And the best feature? The 28 days attribution window. Thanks guys !!!!

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